
Beta (Isaac x Reader) teen wolf fanfiction 3/6

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Part 3/6

You slammed your shoulder into Erica's stomach, sending her staggering back. At the same time you lashed out with your foot and heard Boyd's knee crack from the impact. Erica raked a claw down your face, but you got a grip on her wrist, snapping it. She screamed, and you spun around, but not quickly enough.

Boyd grabbed you from behind, wrapping his arms around your torso, pinning your arms to your sides. He started to squeeze, and you screamed as your ribs started to crack. He lowered his head, preparing to rip out your throat, but you snapped your head back, slamming the back of your skull into his face.

He dropped you with a howl, stumbling back. You grabbed his arm and threw him into Erica, sending the two of them flying across the room. They fell in a heap, a tangle of limbs and teeth. Erica's head was bleeding and her wrist was bent at an awkward angle, and Boyd's face was a mess of blood, but they struggled to their feet as you approached.

"Well done." Derek called from behind them. "You're getting better."

"They are better." You said, walking over and helping Erica to her feet. "I think it's time."

Derek shook his head. "We still don't know where he is."

You sighed. "We know where Gerard is. And Chris. And Allison. I'm sure someone will enlighten us." You bared your teeth.

"You know I want to find Isaac, but this is exactly what Gerard wants. I am not walking into a trap and putting my entire pack at risk."

You groaned in frustration. "So what do you want to do? Wait until they give him to us in pieces? Because that is what will happen. It's been two days. It might already be too late!"

"You think I don't know that?" Derek snapped. "I'm trying to do what's best for my pack. And they aren't ready to go up against the Argents."

"Yes they are. They won't be getting any more ready any time soon. And Isaac doesn't have time for them to get better. We need to go NOW."

"What makes you the expert? I've had experience with the hunters. Trust me, I know what Isaac's going through."

"No you don't!" You shouted. "Sure, you get the torture part. But you were a beta without a pack. You didn't give information because you were strong enough to withstand the torture. But trust me, they would have broken you. It's different for Isaac. He won't tell them anything because he CAN'T! Pack loyalty prevents him from giving you away. The Argents know that. Whatever they do to him, it's to get to us."

"Obviously it's working. You want to run right into their hands." Derek interrupted. "This is what they want!"

"Do you know what happens after this?" You snapped. "When I said you'll get him back in pieces, I wasn't joking. They will send him back broken and insane, or in multiple shipments. And then they'll grab somebody else. And do the same thing. Over and over until there's no one left. And you think that you can stay detached, and remain indifferent, but you can't. It will get to you. You'll be forced to watch your pack die right in front of you, and you'll know that you didn't do anything to stop it. And once you decide to fight back, it will be too late." You stopped, shaking. "Everyone will already be dead."

Derek, Boyd and Erica all stared at you. You glared back. "You wanted to be an alpha, this is what happens. You turned them into this. It's your job to take care of them."

You spun on your heel and left the hideout.


Three hours later you had run out of places to go, and came back to the hideout, prepared to tell Derek that you were going to go save Isaac now, with or without him. But as you came down the stairs you saw that the whole pack was waiting for you. Scott and Stiles, who you had met the day before, were also there, along with Allison Argent.

You snarled when you saw her, claws and fangs growing, eyes flashing blue. She stepped back in shock, and Scott stepped in front of her, eyes glowing yellow. You saw her pull something from behind her back, and you dropped to a crouch, prepared to spring.

"What is she doing here?" You growled.

"She wanted to help." Scott replied. "She knows where Isaac is."

"Oh I'm sure she does. I bet she's known for the last two days, just like she knew where Derek was when her family tortured him last year. You know, the time that she DIDN'T say anything while her crazy aunt tortured him and plotted to kill Scott?" She glared at Derek, who held up his hands.

"I don't want her around either. But she knows where they have Isaac."

You shot a glare at Allison. "Then she can tell us, and go."

"You don't get a say. You are here to help us. Not the other way around." Erica cut in. "If you have a problem, you can leave."

"Trust me, as soon as we rescue Isaac I'm out of here."

"Wait, why do you even want to help him anyway?" Stiles asked. "You obviously aren't staying for Derek's sunny personality."

"Shut up Stiles." Derek snapped. "Listen, (Name), we can do this with or without you. Either get over Allison being involved, or get out."

You clenched your jaw tightly before nodding. "Fine. We do it your way." You grabbed a jacket off the table. "Erica, Boyd, Come with me. Let's go."

"What about the rest of us?" Stiles asked.

You smiled. "It's your job to make sure the Argents don't kill Derek when he turns himself in."


Derek and Scott stood in the nearly empty parking lot, waiting by Derek's car for the Argents to show up. Stiles was slouched in the front seat of Allison's car, (they had agreed that his jeep was too conspicuous, much to his annoyance,) and was waiting in case they needed a quick getaway. Allison was hiding on the roof of the building on the right. She had her crossbow ready in case anything went wrong.

Three cars came screeching into the lot. Seven hunters piled out, Allison's father, grandfather, and mother among them.

"You said you wanted to talk." Allison's mother stepped forward.

"I wanted to make a deal." Derek said. "Give us Isaac, and I'll turn myself in to you."

Chris barked a laugh. "Since when has loyalty been your strong suit Derek? I though you were the one who would be content to sit back and watch others take the fall for your mistakes."

Derek crossed his arms. "Just give us Isaac, and promise to leave my pack alone, and I'll give you what you want. Revenge for Kate's death."

Chris stepped forward, crossbow raised. "You expect us to believe you'll just hand yourself over?"

"This doesn't need to be a fight. Give us what we want and you can have what you want." Derek replied.

"Oh, is that why Scott's here? It seems like you came prepared for violence." Allison's mother observed.

"You mean the way you came with four extra hunters, all armed to the teeth?" Scott cut in.

"At least all out people revealed themselves." Chris said. "Where's the rest of your pack Derek? Hiding in the shadows?" He cast a glance around the parking lot. Stiles crouched lower in the jeep, and Allison loaded her crossbow, preparing for the worst.

"They aren't here." Derek called, bringing the hunters wandering gazes back to him. "It's just me and Scott." He leaned back on the hood of the car.

Stiles say and pulled out his phone, sending out a quick text.



You felt your cell phone vibrate in your pocket.


You pulled out two bobby pins and got to work on the lock. In less then ten seconds you felt the lock click, and you swung the door open silently.  Boyd and Erica followed you into the Argent's house.

While Derek, Scott, Stiles and Allison were distracting the Argents, you Boyd and Erica were going to break into their house and get Isaac. Allison had said that he was in the basement. She thought that the three of you were hidden in the parking lot. Derek had agreed that it would be better if she didn't know about the break in.

All you had to do now was get past whatever booby-traps they had set up, any hunters that were still in the house, and whatever unplanned obstacles that were sure to arise. You looked at the two betas, both looking eager and ready for whatever they were going to find.

"Try not to kill anybody." You cautioned. "Just get in, get Isaac, and get out as quickly as possible. Got it?"

They both nodded.

"Good." You bared your teeth. "Then let's go."
Part 3! Here you go! Please comment and tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own the teen wolf character, they belong to their respective owners/creators. The picture is not mine, only the story is. Please check with me before using anything here.


part 1-…
part 3- you are here silly I am a dummy! 
© 2014 - 2024 mazzafeme147
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